

Policy Bullet Points

Our world is evolving a quiet revolution lead by our youth demonstrating many of the values that we have been conditioned to over the last 2000+ years. This revolution demands change to a different world. It will be a world lead by a deeper respect for natural ecologies and our part as a species in that, not separate, but integral. A spiritual ecology. The change demanded will be considerable.

EDUCATION is the construct of our society and culture which will be free to all at all levels. NZs culture is based in agriculture. Our future will be ecological agriculture from the roots already firm in Organics. Creativity builds diverse cultures our education will herald our dynamic diversity across all domains.

ECONOMICS builds our society. A just society has no extremes but healthy balance where we are all connected through cooperatives and commons. We all own this land that we stand on to share in its wealth to support each other and all our communities.

HEALTH is our right and freedom of choice from whatever modalities exist globally. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thine food. A healthy society is a vibrant and rich society. All health will be free to all of NZ.

GOVERNANCE from true open democracies at all levels will enrich our communities spirit and desire for interaction across all layers of society.

SPORT is NZ's blood which leads the world and is but one inclusive thread in healthy communities. Diversity in all such pursuits builds considerable business and industry globally.

TOURISM projects our spirit to share the bountiful riches of our landscapes. Our landscapes must be enriched to further enhance all opportunities.

SOCIAL ECOLOGY of the Self, the Family, the Neighbourhood the Community. Multi generational families will be rebuilt under one roof. Connecting supporting and invigorating what we as a species connects to umbilically, predominantly through LOCALISM the idea that people should have control over what happens in their local area, that local businesses should be supported, and that differences between places should be respected: LOCALISATION the process of organizing a business or industry so that its main activities happen in local areas rather than nationally or internationally:

We Are All Leaders Our focus is in developing leadership rather than leaders. We do not need any Pied Pipers leading us to Hamlin nor do we need Santa Claus to endow or ingratiate us. We need to evolve beyond being sheeple. It is an educational challenge to build this trait in all. Building a strong arts, theatre and sport curricula through all schools will aid such considerably.

IMAGINE living in harmony with nature, imagine sharing with Papatuanuku for her to share with us the richness and bounty to be reciprocal symbiotically.

IMAGINE a vibrant, caring, sharing, multi-generational neighbourhood with no boundaries fences or walls open to all, that extends to the village town and city.

IMAGINE a world of freedom of choice in activity, voice, expression, sport, play, vacation and dance to celebrate with all.

Policy Fields

As a political party we intend to manage the entire country and every element of it for mutual benefit, longevity, health and vitality, with freedom of choice, speech, movement, pursuit and education with all the support possible. In so we must offer policy on every conceivable subject. All our policy will cross-pollinate ecologically, but each element will have its own heading for the sake of clarity and defining the detail within.

When we group all policy into four fields we have an ease of interpretation for sharing. Each will have sub-groups with many overlapping and integrated. Eg Agriculture / Economics / Environment / Education / Health / Research & Development. With a large % of NZ's income generated through Agriculture we see this as a keystone to our future health and wellbeing.

Agriculture has a major part to play throughout all our landscapes, our education needs to be interconnected and obviously a prime area for much of our research and development. It is predominantly our outdoor survival as a country and culture. It is what this country has grown up on and will always prosper on. History informs us that civilizations have risen and fallen on their agriculture ("Collapse How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive" Jared Diamond) . Agri-culture is our culture.

Coupled to this is all our outdoor pursuits a further layer in who we are as a people settled in this land. It is our richness, unique in the world which must be enhanced.

However most obvious must be our key to culture in Law and Judiciary. We recognize the deficiency in our constructs of law commerce and judiciary with the only way forward to fully engage in Indigenous Law, Tikanga, integrated through Common Law but most importantly through laws of nature. Mark Pessio introduces this. (4) Emerging energies in Commons and Cooperatives support these constructs.

Each policy statement will have an introduction phase which highlights the vision. eg. Agriculture: Imagine a farm-scape where healthy abundance of rich nutrition and mineral dense food is in excess. With no requirements for artificial inputs. With multiple families supporting the diversity of produce growing richer for a neighbourhood community of stable resilient richness, all being enriched.

The ideal would be to produce a full manifesto to detail every conceivable element of every policy. This will outline the ethic, philosophy, principles and strategic evolution and implementation of each. It could be a 500 page book, even greater.

Our Four Fields of Policy:

SOCIAL -ENVIRONMENTAL -ECONOMIC -CULTURE Any question on any policy area can be answered from within one of these four fields

SOCIAL: Primary Field Families, Secondary Field Neighbourhoods, Tertiary Field Community, Villages, Youth. Children, Elders, Mothers. Education Housing Society. Social Services, Internal Affairs. External / International Affairs, Security. Law Enforcement, Military. Governance.

ENVIRONMENTAL Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Environment, Conservation, Natural Resources, Transport

ECONOMIC Trade, Energy, Research & Development, Industry

CULTURE Gross National Happiness, Justice, Sport, Tourism Entertainment Theatre, Drama, Music, Arts Spirituality, History, Health

All policy forms part of an overall Strategic Plan. What is our 500 year plan?

Agricology: Agricultural Ecology

•Farming families and communities have been on the blunt end of this 700 yr savagery. Its getting worse.

•Our support agencies and business enterprise are now part of that corporate malign. Driven by international mongrels poisoning our way of life.

•EP intends to turn this around to create healthy vibrant neighbourhoods and agriculture centered community through healthy abundant

•A farming world our forefathers and children and children's children will be proud of and more than willing to be part of, emotionally and practically.

•A farming world that produces food rich in mineral and full of nutrition uncontaminated by synthetic fxes.

•Lets all get rich, through being enriched, producing richness getting richer and richer in all facets. Rich soils, rich food, rich community.

• Agriculture is NZs largest earner. EP will grow this considerably.

• We will enrich our biodiversity and our rural villages.

• Greater diversity will allow us to grow richer.
An ecological approach builds richness, resilience and sustainability.
Rich farms grow rich communities.
We gain considerably across many spectrums being regenerative organic from an ethic firmly seated in Ecological. NZ will lead the world in this.
The rich diversity of Agriculture will stream through all schools. Research & Development increased considerably will focus on the diversity.
Silvoculture, Alley Cropping and Ecological Agriculture will be central to our diverse richness.
Soils, pastures, stock and produce will become healthier, richer while reducing and eliminating artificial inputs.
Our diverse agricultural systems will couple with forestry and fishing while recognizing the values in conservation farming, tourism and richer environments.
Our resources are our land we will maintain all for the people of NZ investing in our people on our lands.
All agriculture activity on the land forms part of the catchment management of all districts and regions of the entire country as an integration of ecologies. Civilizations have risen and fallen on their agriculture. If we look at the environmental fallout of industrial agriculture soil fertility has declined to almost zero in intensively farmed regions; excessive mining of groundwater sucking aquifers dry; more flooding due to dead soils, and chemical inputs, including pesticides, becoming extremely pervasive in environment, the entire food chain has been contaminated.
For the past eighty years, agriculture has relied on the monoculture of selected plant varieties and the large-scale use of fertilizers and pesticides to increase yields along with a wide range of other chemical and pharmaceuticals to continually attack nature with negative effect at considerable true cost. The side effects of intensive agriculture are now plain to see: soil degradation, water pollution, diminishing biodiversity, farmers made vulnerable to climate change, and increasingly dependent on suppliers of agricultural technology and vested interests of the global corporate vultures through every facet of agriculture including trade, education and banking. Sick farms open the door to pests and viruses for the organic cycles of nature to repair and restore the health. Eg M.Bovis. Phytophthora. But not to be confused with scams like “corona”.

This is what nature is teaching us. Lets learn from her. An ecologically sustainable agriculture corrects the climatic imbalances, reduces income inequality and helps build up the stability offered through biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods. New Zealand agriculture has gone backwards for 200 years with a rapid decline in the last 20 years. We must turn this around.

A Party based in Tikanga(5) centred in Ecology recognises that NZs economy is supported by agriculture.

With 75% of NZs income generated off the land and its waters it is imperative to enrich this reality. This can only be done through an agriculture and aquaculture that grows resources as opposed to the conventional regimes, dictated previously, of resource depletion.

All land use will be interconnected from a base firmly set in Tikanga centered through Productive Ecologies. EP will recognize Ecological Catchment Management from the schools of Permaculture as a basis to evolve a richer economy that gets richer, more diverse, growing resilient sustainable futures for everyone in NZ, becoming a global leader and model.

To grow such agriculture it is imperative to also build strong communities through all land use domains from the rural village to the global markets and every linkage in between. EP policy recognizes all systems are interconnected ecologically. NZ's agriculture evolves its society, develops and enriches its economy which in turn allows richness in all layers of community, health and vitality in everything we aspire to.

Agricology(6) as it is termed elsewhere is well established with schools, principles and models showing its benefits that far out-perform chemical agriculture norms. (7) Ecological Agriculture relies on building up natures bounty without use of chemicals, pharmaceuticals or fertilizers that do not come directly from nature eg seaweed, mulch and manures. The schools of Permaculture lead for us in principle all applications necessary for far greater bounty and award which permeates all society, economically, socially, environmentally and culturally.

Food is our health and wisdom. With clean highly nutritious food rich in mineral we will also reduce considerably our reliance on the medical industry, which in itself has little to do with health. The world's markets are demanding such food. Farms and gardens across the country at every scale will recognize the benefits financially, environmentally and socially. All infrastructures and support enterprise will also benefit. Coupled to these positive ends is education, research and development. Our waterways will no longer be contaminated. Our soils will grow richer. A Circular Economy will evolve.

(8) Farm systems will recognise the value in agroforestry, silovculture and alley cropping which are all elements of Agricology. As an example pastoral farming will see a major shift towards an integration of pastures with trees and shrubs to a potential of 60% tree cover. Such as a multifunctional benefit of many uses not only as food but medicine, mineral, shelter, shade, biomass, fuel, timber enriching the biodiversity, resilience and long term sustainability, ecologically, socially, economically, culturally and environmentally. From this our environment will be richer more stable and resilient with greater and more diverse outputs. Economies of agriculture and food interconnected with all its support systems will be diversified, growing exponentially. All our waterways and oceans are interconnected to this realm.

A nationwide agriculture of Ecological Agriculture will reboot our economy to develop a long term resilience that gets richer. Everyone in NZ will benefit for we all rely on food which is coupled to our nations economy having 75% of our wealth generated from our land and waters.

With this diversification into Ecological Agriculture rural villages will become pivotal in the new wealth of the country. Conventional farms of today, 2021, will see a continual increase in many more income streams with more families active in the community directly connected to farms. Cooperatives and Commons of more level playing fields will see greater equality thereby reducing the social extremes.

The economy of farming will change from its recent artificial escalation for corporates to steal the entire food industry and enslave all its communities, to one of opportunity for everyone through an Ecologically Sustainable Productive Landscape.

Ecological Agriculture will be included in every schools core curriculum with each school having direct access to a full and diverse variety of farms, gardens and waterways across the country into the oceans out beyond our 500 mile economic zone. The tools are available for NZ's agriculture to be the clean green image portrayed but it also needs to recognize the social fabric and business structures required to develop our rural village into a wealthy community of riches. Such tools exist like these:

(9) (10) All our schools polytechnics and universities will offer a wide variety of ecological agriculture and aquaculture streams. All will be connected globally to all other layers of like education.

Coupled to this will be business, science and research to ensure we are the leaders globally in quality nutrient rich mineral dense uncontaminated food. All operations will build a richer resource, the soils will be richer the waterways and oceans richer. A legacy will be built for our children and children's children to become excited about being active players in all streams of both agriculture and aquaculture.

All land use policies will overlap with our waterways and oceans policy. Realizing our oceans and waterways offer phenomenal wealth of riches yet recognized. We also recognize their health and vitality in all their ecologies, must be paramount. Invasion of our waters from international interests will be stopped. Our maritime right as a nation will be 500 nautical miles or 1000km off the coast. These boundaries will be strictly managed for the benefits of this nation, not others.

A large percentage of our landscape is agricultural. Evolving our agroecology throughout will recognize a dramatic escalation in a richness of biodiversity. This will have multiple beneficial effect through every landscape. Such will increase the health of soils and waterways, all fora and fauna, stock and all plant systems becoming richer. Local catchments will also be enriched becoming more sustainably resilient. This diversification will create a rich community with minimal requirements of outside inputs and reliance of synthetic or pharmaceutical fixes, dramatically reducing financial burdens that come with such.

EP will legislate against the use of all chemicals and pharmaceuticals in our food chain that show any form of danger to any organisms health. EP will develop, demonstrate and maintain a rigourous school of Ecological Agriculture detailing all alternatives to chemical and pharmaceuticals. The long standing global movement in Organic Agriculture will be enriched and extended. (11) Where do we stand on diet preference demand and expectations ? This article puts it clearly. (12)

The social impacts in moving to Ecological Agriculture will be just as huge as economic, cultural and environmental. The potential for farming systems to be ‘redesigned’ and improved based on our understanding of biology and ecology is enormous. (13)

Arts and Theater

Like our sport many of us are connected to our communities through our arts, drama and theatre building our richness in our culture, environment and economy while enriching all layers of society. Our multi-racial society allows richer elements of this opportunity. All the layers of this will be extended through our education. Again academies through secondary schools will evolve this richness connecting all communities.

Cultural Ecology

We are all part of this country, from multi-cultural histories. We are not separate. We are kiwi. We will emerge as one, not apart, but together.

We will close the gate on immigration and evolve our own independent nation, our own cultural identity and uniqueness seeking quality over quantity. This applies across the board through our entire community functioning as a cooperative community through commons for the people by the people dis-incentivizing corporate tyranny through our disproportionate economy.

The fundamental dilemma underlying the problems of the world is the illusion that unlimited growth is possible on a finite planet. An absolute falsehood. In today’s global economy, perpetual, undifferentiated growth is pursued relentlessly by promoting excessive consumption and an economic system that is energy and resource-intensive, based on fossil fuels, generating waste and pollution, depleting the Earth’s natural resources, and increasing economic inequality.

What we need is a shift from quantitative to qualitative growth; the kind of balanced, multi-faceted growth we observe in nature where certain parts of organisms, or ecosystems, grow, while others decline, releasing and recycling their components which become resources for new growth. Qualitative growth is growth that enhances the quality of life through continual regeneration. Since relentless quantitative growth underlies all our major problems, the shift to qualitative growth would dramatically transform all aspects of our lives. This applies across the board to all our systems in all forms, primarily seen in our agriculture, environment and conservation as well as right across society in our population.

The global environmental crisis, which threatens not only the future of human civilization but all life on earth, is fundamentally a moral and religious problem. Humanity may destroy the possibilities for life on earth unless the freedom and power that we have acquired are channeled in new creative directions by a spiritual awareness and moral commitment that transcend nationalism, racism, sexism, religious sectarianism, anthropocentrism, and the dualism between human culture and nature. This is the great issue for the 1990s & the 21st century. Economically, this reciprocity means giving back to nature as much as we take, so as to achieve a natural balance, from which our stewardship can escalate the restoration of damaged ecosystems. Spiritually, this means proclaiming our deep inner connection to our world, and declaring our collective need to priorities this shared bond as our spiritual imperative. Humanity's search for its spiritual center and the quest for a new way of life in harmony with ecological stability are converging today. The environmental crisis cannot be addressed without coming to terms with the spiritual dimension of the problem, and the spiritual problems of humanity cannot be worked out apart from a transformation of humanity's relations with nature. We must first realize that we share this spiritual imperative: humanity must transform its relation to nature from parasitic to symbiotic. Only by doing so will we become able to direct our economy to serve the common good, and switch to a sustainable mode of operation, to ensure ecosystems and natural resources will remain available to sustain future generations.

If we care to listen to what youth are saying, they are indicating that their spirituality is engaged spirituality, concerned with the welfare of the world and the sacredness of endangered nature. They see spirituality as the basis for a new or renewed sense of human responsibility and social justice. It is worldly and pragmatic. Spirituality is advocated as a cure for racism, an essential ingredient of the new ecological awareness, an antidote to domestic violence and civil unrest, and a remedy for religious sectarianism and holy war... The point of this new spirituality is that we touch a level of unitary reality that binds us to the universe. Through genuine spiritual experience, we are released from the burden of ego, and discharged into a larger world that enables us to focus less on our ego and more on our larger cosmic identity... Spirituality is about personal empowerment, but it is not `private' because from this transformation will flow political and social transformations.

By nurturing and sustaining the core purpose of our whole human enterprise, spiritual capital is the glue that binds us together. It provides us with a moral and a motivational framework, an ethos, a spirit...

The word spiritual comes originally from the Latin spiritus, which means `that which gives life or vitality to a system'.

This is spirituality seen as an enhancement of life in the world, rather than as a monkish emphasis on other-worldly values. For human beings, that which gives life – indeed that which gives unique definition - to our humanity is our need to place our enterprises in a frame of wider meaning and purpose. The spiritual in human beings makes us ask why we are doing what we are doing and makes us seek some fundamentally better way of doing it , “there is a spiritual dimension to our present ecological crisis. It has long been understood by indigenous peoples that our relationship to the Earth is spiritually as well as physically sustaining.

Spiritual Ecology is a response to the values and socio-political structures of recent centuries with their trajectory away from intimacy with the earth and its sacred essence. It has been forming and developing as an intellectual and practice-oriented discipline for nearly a century. Spiritual Ecology includes a vast array of people and practices that intertwine spiritual and environmental experience and understanding. Additionally, within the tradition itself resides a deep, developing spiritual vision of a collective human/earth/divine evolution that is expanding consciousness beyond the dualities of human/earth, heaven/earth, mind/body. This belongs to the contemporary movement that recognizes the unity and interrelationship, or “interbeing,” of all of creation.” “The environmental conservation field has been informed, shaped, and led by individuals who have had profound experiences of nature’s sacredness and have fought to protect it. Recognizing the intimacy of human soul and nature, many have pioneered a new way of thinking about and relating to the earth. Today many aspects of the environmental conservation movement are empowered by spiritual principles and interdisciplinary cooperation. Similarly through the Organic farming fraternity.

Ecoliteracy. The basic principles of ecology are the principles of organization that nature’s ecosystems have evolved to sustain the web of life. We need to teach our children, our students, and our political and corporate leaders these fundamental facts of life — for example, that one species’ waste is another species’ food; that matter cycles continually through the web of life; that the energy driving the ecological cycles flows from the sun; that diversity assures resilience; that life, from its beginning more than three billion years ago, did not take over the planet by combat but by partnerships and networking. All these principles of ecology are closely interrelated. They are just different aspects of a single fundamental pattern of organization that has enabled nature to sustain life for billions of years. In a nutshell: nature sustains life by creating and nurturing communities. Sustainability is not an individual property but a property of an entire web of relationships. It always involves a whole community. This is the profound lesson we need to learn from nature. The way to sustain life is to build and nurture communities.



We are presently living in a false economy that has evolved from its conception Circa 14th C. It is an economy based on resource depletion, abuse of the natural realm and wealth creation coupled to control and slavery, by a small elite. It is an economy facilitated by electronic digits with no tactile wealth. An economy out-of- sync with nature, imbedded in an obsession of growth by resource abuse and depletion. It has also evolved to shackle legal/lawful systems within its straight-jacket. Such has allowed the entire economic well being of NZ to be manipulated by networks motivated by self interest.

For species man to survive we need to be building up our resources not be depleting them. A major shift is needed to do this. Every person on the planet is dictated in every move they make by this 700 year old economic stranglehold.

The study if economics to co-joined to efficiency. Our national economy is connected to all of us at every level. Our business enterprise is connected to us all umbilically through an ecological paradigm. Everything is connected we all share in its world and wealth creation equally via commons and cooperatives. Our entire economy will function as a wide web of Industrial Ecology. (14)

Increasingly, people around the country and the world are realizing that the series of intersecting crises we face are not by chance, but by design. From staggering wealth inequality, to the looming threat of climate change and irreversible damage to our ecosystem, to surging xenophobia, racism, and authoritarianism, coupled to rapidly rising and unprecedented epidemic of poor health along with exposure to a multiple array of toxins and revolutionary tools of war.

These crises are generated by an economy structured to concentrate ownership and power. And yet, many of the solutions being put forward focus on merely regulating or reforming the existing institutions that make up this extractive economy. The time has passed for simply tinkering at the edges of this system. Instead, we need to develop the architecture of a more democratic and just economy, and we need to do it fast.

To address the crises we face, we must focus on displacing the dominant form of enterprise in our current economy: the profit-maximizing, shareholder-controlled corporation. Instead of this “monoculture of design,” we need forms of enterprise that shift ownership and power to workers and communities. The building blocks of this next generation of enterprise are already emerging, seen in developments like the growth of worker ownership and campaigns for re-municipalization across the globe. Our task at hand is to continue to scale these approaches while always innovating new models.

Gross Domestic Product GDP is a measure based on a very limited array of indicators and resources across our entire domain socially, environmentally, economically and culturally. A shift in recognition of our true full cost wealth and health will see a new measure akin to that of Bhutan's Gross National Happiness indicators.

EP is based in Tikanga centered in Ecology recognizes that NZ's economy is supported by agriculture. It has evolved as this countries culture. Such has extended our connection to the great outdoors in our pastimes, sport and tourism all of which have become industries supporting the same ethic. (15)

An evolution to an Ecological Economy will satisfy our future generations resilient sustainability. This is neither left nor right wing political or economic science it is in fact the only possible solution and journey for our future.

What is our natural capital? With 75% of NZ's income generated off our lands and waters it is imperative to enrich this reality. This can only be done through an agriculture that grows resources as opposed to the conventional regimes, dictated previously, of resource depletion and abuse or entropy. Our food is our wealth. Our waterways and oceans also offer a considerable wealth opportunity with best practice ecologically productive management.

Our economy is based in what we generate from our land and waters, it is intricately coupled to the health, wealth and long term resilience we can build. Our present agriculture regimes are destroying our future security through a poisoned food chain deficient in nutrition which is a downward spiral exacerbating unaffordable social structures. We will all become rich from the enriched soils, growing richer produce with our food offering considerable richness.

An Ecological Economy builds resources while realizing equality right across the entire social spectrum and enriches all our environments. A Circular Economy (16) with Cooperatives and Commons of more level playing fields, will lead us in the shift required. Models of such economies exist at small scales. NZ's history in the cooperatives of the dairy industry was a global model. These need to be re-created but developed as true cooperatives. Such are active neighbourhood based which connect to their communities, villages then to towns and cities, districts, regions and our nation as interconnected networks and webs with a focus in practical systems ecology. Small business and community based enterprise will be strongly supported by EP. Education, research and development will be ongoing, building and supporting models across every domain through all lifestyles, industry and commerce. This applies to all levels and all entities. Where we become a community of communities.

The tool box for such development exists which we will improve on viz: (17) (18) (19) (20) Supportive industries which all have the capacity to be neighbour centred will grow and develop. Research focus and support will drive any other enterprise opportunities.

NZ is a global leader in sport and outdoors pursuits. This world has many more opportunities to grow with education, research and development where business opportunity exists. Sport has a wide range of business opportunity supporting it. Sport is also a major contributor in our social wellbeing. EP will evolve centers of sport education through every school at all levels with advanced faculties through all universities. Although tourism is a fickle business this industry will grow very quickly with the global recognition of our Ecologically centered principles based in Tikanga. Education presently exists as a business rather than a right. International students will be attracted to what we offer across all fields of our ecological economy, society, environment and culture. EP will develop a far wider and diverse curriculum in agriculture as a core subject through all schools with a focus in ecological agriculture and centering support in our organic industry while bringing Permaculture education to the fore.

With our agricultural landscapes becoming more diverse and park-like as Ecologically Productive Landscapes the health of our entire society will become richer hence requiring less and less drain on resources.

Support infrastructures, our key utilities, like roading, water, energy and wastes will all shift accordingly from a resource use abusive regime to one of productive healthy resilient and sustainable systems through a growth in Circular Economies. The outcomes of which will be less and less costs for such. As an example, healthy food requires less of the medical industry to be the vultures they are. While not depleting any medical capacities and excellence the focus will be on the extensive array of what we know is available through wholistic fields such as naturopathy, homeopathy and all similar diverse options.

The waste industry will recognize considerable growth in a Circular Economy, as but one simple model. All products manufactured or imported will be fully recyclable. Research and development will support this shift to consider any possible ventures to gain such ends for a circular economy. Waste water is in fact a nutrient rich resource presently mismanaged. It is an industry presently severely abused by vested interests. Tyres and plastics similarly.

New Zealand is an export economy. We must export more than we import. That is very simple economics 101. We do have limitations to all resources available to build a range of commodities to maintain our existing lifestyles. Our capacities for international trade must rely on what we can trade in exchange for what we need.

We do have considerable natural resources in gas and oil. The Ecologist Party recognises the urgency for all to become a national enterprise of the highest efficiency. Coupled to this will be the research and development into all other forms of energy efficiency, wind, solar, thermal, electromagnetic, radionic, biological and water energies.

A shift through all facets of life is required for resource building. A return to a real currency that was well established through time before the false paper and electronic economy evolved will bring back a basic wealth standard.

Government backed and developed Joint Venture Cooperative enterprise will develop a growth in a wide spectrum of every field. All utilities and all primary industry will be developed as core national business cooperatives, eliminating abuse from private vested interests. Such will reinforce our democracy of for the people by the people.

Our Outdoors is our life force it is our Papatuanuku, our spiritual domain, it is our Clean Green Image. But, it is presently poisoned and degrading rapidly. This must be turned around to support our children and children's children. Our youth are amidst global demonstrations and revolution in this very subject.

Our false economy based on corporate greed, deception and slavery creating severe class structures will become far more balanced through a Cooperative Commons and Circular Economy while celebrating our uniqueness and all the differences of our society where every person can be respected for their talents, abilities and contribution. The only sustainable future direction is one based in Ecological Economics. (21)

The Ecologist Party will take back all state owned enterprises that were corporatized C1984, through Rogernomics followed by Ruthernasia nefariously conspiring with others. Such takeover or invasion began in 1966 through Holyoake and Lake , then in 1979 by Muldoon allowing the global cartel in through the front door. NZ quickly became a laboratory rat for the global banksters, thieves liars and cheats. Our history of economic policy has always been a major challenge being trapped in a global rollercoaster or ferris wheel unable to cancel our subscription and get get off. Unless there is a global revolution ousting the fascist tyranny dictating the world, get off we must.

NZ began to fall apart under the Rogernomics regime. Capitalism has gone through a few incarnations and the gilded age (1800's) is very similar to what we face now, with huge wealth inequality and monopolies. During the 1940-70s there was a period of stability and middle class growth with strong national government controls. But Rogernomics aka neo-liberalism/Austrian school/Chicago school broke down these nationalist protections deliberately returning us to the gilded age or neo-feudalism. But more as we have come to recognize an invasion from the banksters under the IMF guise working for a bigger machine behind that again..

NZ through the 50s - 70s was known as a socialist paradise at the bottom of the South Pacific. All healthy economies are a mix of socialist and capitalist policies. How do we define socialism nowadays? The word is so tainted it’s useless. But nationalizing natural resources, welfare and public services are all considered socialist policies. Documentaries that remind or introduce Kiwi’s of what life was like before Rogernomics and the protests against these policies will anchor us and help us paint a picture of where we have been as a country and what we want to return to.

“The Century of the Self” is centered earlier in the century and explains how we were transformed from citizens to consumers, The policy of international trade and internationally dependent supply chains was created after the great wars, it was believed nations dependent on each other for key products or inputs would not go to war. Such resulted in discipline, organised, managerialism - piety and power become so interwoven, they become same … god gives power, god gives victory, commercial society equals a peaceful society, win win.

“Whatever Happened to our dream of Freedom” (22)

“The Trap” What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom? Individual freedom is the dream of our age. It's what our leaders promise to give us, it defines how we think of ourselves and, repeatedly, we have gone to war to impose freedom around the world. But if you step back and look at what freedom actually means for us today, it's a strange and limited kind of freedom.

Politicians promised to liberate us from the old dead hand of bureaucracy, but they have created an evermore controlling system of social management, driven by targets and numbers. Governments committed to freedom of choice have presided over a rise in inequality and a dramatic collapse in social mobility. The attempt to enforce freedom has led to bloody mayhem and the rise of an authoritarian anti-democratic world. The Government has dismantled long-standing laws designed to protect our freedom. The Trap is a series of three films explains the origins of our contemporary, narrow idea of freedom. It shows how a simplistic model of human beings as self-seeking, almost robotic, creatures led to today's idea of freedom. Episodes included: 1. F*** You Buddy, 2. The Lonely Robot, and 3. We Will Force You To Be Free.

“The Century of the Self“ combines all 4 episodes: Happiness Machines, The Engineering of Consent, There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads; He Must Be Destroyed and Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering (23)

“Someone Else’s Country” Someone Else’s Country looks critically at the radical economic changes implemented by the 1984 Labour Government - where privitisation of state assets was part of a wider agenda that sought to remake New Zealand as a model free market state. But more correctly a guinea pig in another greater plan. (24)

“In a Land of Plenty” is an exploration of just that; it takes as its starting point the consensus from The Depression onwards that Godzone economic policy should focus on achieving full employment, and explores how this was radically shifted by the 1984 Labour government for the policy's negative effects on society, "as a new poverty-stricken underclass developed”. (25)

“A Civilised Society” looks at the new right ideology that transformed public education in the 80s and 90s and the schism it caused with teachers. Interviews with parents, teachers and unionists are cut together with archive footage of treasury officials and politicians advocating that schools be run as businesses. There are vexed board of trustees' meetings, an infamous deal between Avondale College and Pepsi, and teachers take their opposition from the classroom to the streets. "A high quality universal public education system is a fundamental requirement of an egalitarian society."(26)

“Sale of a Nation”. As part of the radical 80s neoliberal reform of the public and corporate sector in New Zealand, many government-run assets were turned into state owned enterprises; some were sold off to foreign buyers. This corporatisation has evolved society of greed avarice spite thieves liars and cheats at all levels and layers of society.(27)

In these reinvigorated state owned enterprises we will evolve cooperatives and commons with education centered within to evolve rich business enterprise and expansive domains through each, including education research and development. Central to this will be the enrichment of communities, socially, culturally, economically and environmentally. Working from our basis of our natural capital agri-culture, our culture, which is our evolved culture along with sport we will build our prosperous future.

A growing focus will be in evolving a country of self reliance coupled to community richness. Support across other nations of like ethic, philosophy, principle and policy will emerge and build a global region. We will focus on our natural capital. This is agriculture and aquaculture through every perceivable dimension. Farms will become models of multidimensional diverse and vibrant organic richness supporting an array of enterprise. Such will connect locally, district wide and regionally. Our landscapes will be enriched considerably drawing tourism that will expand in many diverse opportunities. Sport will become a thriving industry and a challenge to be enjoyed, but not machined.

Our military budget will be redeveloped to consider the values and needs for such an entity to gain the most advantage from it for NZ nationally rather than pandering internationally, primarily in protecting our own natural resources to our new 500 mile maritime economic zone. Peace keeping will be the focus while leading all needs of our civil defence for any natural emergencies and other similar support necessities for the value of this country. Such a shift will develop our own internal securities right across the board in all subjects at all layers.

Schools of Economics will consider a domain that reaches every facet of economics at all layers and levels, including security. It will be an Ecological Economy measuring all schools eg the works of Silvio Gessel (28) and Noam Chomsky along with those researched through NewEconomics (29). Coupled to views of Michael S King, Chris Wheeler, Carlos Louge and Professor Werner (30)


Dropping income tax, wage taxes, and energy taxes, dropping GST from basic needs, adding foreign property purchases, and capturing forex exchanges going offshore kills a whole lot of ‘birds’ with one stone. GST will be raised to 20%, and/or foreign property/business purchases could be stopped outright.

First and foremost, GST infrastructure in place. The banks are perfectly capable of collecting GST proceeds on money transfers offshore for government just like other businesses.

Second, it levels the playing field for local firms who will no longer have to compete with GST tax-free consumer goods coming into NZ via internet sales. This absolutely stops foreign firms like Amazon, EBay, Microsoft, Google, Alibaba, etc. from undermining our own producers and retailers with GST-free imports.

Third, it absolutely stops dead all currency speculation that now keeps our exchange rates very volatile and serves currency traders.

Fourth, it promises to replace lost income tax revenue with new GST revenue, re-assuring those persons who believe govt services must be funded by taxes.

Fifth, it transfers a large part of the tax burden from real Kiwis onto foreign multinationals now using us without paying their dues. Just dropping wage taxes will save the average worker around $150 per week. That’s a lot more cash in hand for needy families.

Sixth, it eliminates NZ as a tax haven for money laundering and foreign tax evasion, while still encouraging foreign investment in real NZ production via tax-free profit incentives. Profit is taxed only when it leaves NZ.

Seventh, it creates the deflationary pressures needed- in good times and bad- for government to at least partially take over from the banks the creation of our new money supply. This is monetary reform by stealth, without having to first gain approval from the voters, who for the most part understand nothing about Social Credit theory, inflation, and deflation.

Eighth, it will keep govt itself from investing OUR Super Fund and ACC Fund money in foreign countries, as well as encouraging local share investors to invest locally rather than internationally. Trading in offshore stock markets while our own market languishes, is counter-productive. In effect, share profits in NZ will be tax free, while foreign share purchases will immediately attract 20% GST.

Ninth, breaking govt’s supposed dependence on industrial PAYE and income tax will allow much tighter regulation against industrial pollution of our air, water, and land resources. A better funded govt will be able to invest in state-of-art rubbish recycling for a cleaner environment, and clearly distinguish between unproven ‘fossil fuel’ CO2 effects, carbon taxes, and real proven pollution problems based upon fact.

Tenth, it will stimulate the economy into production of additional real goods and services, the provision of which will improve quality of life for everyone, especially those who will benefit immensely from the UBI.

Eleventh, the resulting increases in supply must be matched by a similar increase in demand or deflation will destroy commerce. The Universal Basic Income- or National Dividend- will counter that deflation and provide the needed demand for new goods and services, while allowing everyone to participate in a flourishing economy based in ecological agriculture.

Twelfth, it will increase the real productivity of investments across the board, away from short term speculation and towards long term sustainable goals.

Thirteenth, a billion dollars worth of parasitic tax accounting and tax policing labour can be freed up for real wealth creating enterprises, to say nothing of ending 1080 poisoning the food chain and decriminalizing cannabis.

Fourteenth, these tax reforms will go far towards eliminating social conflict in NZ by uplifting the lower social economic and challenged from poverty, eliminating inflation, and providing equal bargain power between capital and labour.

Fifteenth, these tax changes align with time tested religious and spiritual values encourage more community interaction, encourage permaculture, ecological agriculture, allowing a massive return to the land, bring new commercial liquidity to rural areas, provide a paid-up labour force for rural predator control and the means to fund subsidies eg. possum control without poisons, and provide all the right incentives right across the board through every enterprise recognising first and foremost our natural capital, ecological agriculture, equally supported by all outdoor pursuits, sport and tourism which itself will focus in our environment.

UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME, UBI, will replace all other benefit payments apart from medical. What truly motivates a person?, money of course. Money helps to pay for our food, shelter, some entertainment and allows us to (sometimes) further our education. However, a purpose is what motivates us. It is not that money itself is motivating for us, but it is the security money can provide us by allowing to our basic needs like food, shelter and clothing to be met.

Our military budget will be redeveloped to consider the values and needs for such an entity to gain the most advantage from it for NZ nationally rather than pandering internationally, primarily in protecting our own natural resources to our new 500 mile maritime economic zone. Peace keeping will be the focus while leading all needs of our civil defence for any natural emergencies and other similar support necessities for the value of this country. Such a shift will develop our own internal securities right across the board in all subjects at all layers.


Education, Learning and unrestricted Growth are natural evolutionary journeys that must not be limited or channeled or manipulated by deception which has been the norm for more than 1,000 years globally. The freedom of expression, thought and creativity will be the norm. A Social Ecology with its base in Tikanga understands all elements of the natural realm while empowering community security. To date this has been a missing cog in all education. Societal norms and morals through Tikanga maintains a healthy environment for all. The keys in communication combined with the above will be core in all childhood education which enhances whakamana, empowerment. The diversity of capacity in learning style has no cracks to fall through.

The Ecologist Party based in Tikanga centered in Ecology recognises that NZ's community is supported by its agriculture and all things outdoors as our spiritual partner. (32)

The richness in its learning has no boundaries. As a country with considerable wealth in this arena core education will explore, develop and exemplify every facet of both for the beneft of this culture rooted within our country. Like indigenous cultures globally that wealth is limitless.

Education starts in the womb. The three R's is the base core to all learning in our society. But we must also cherish the value in many other learned skill sets such as hand and physical skills and to think originally, critically and curiously, laterally, intuitively, to analyse and construct, to question, critique, evaluate and provoke.

In NZ we have a rich outdoor world which is our school and the basis to our culture. Coupled to this is our rich wealth of our landscapes in agriculture and oceans and directly connected to sport.

NZ has evolved as a sporting nation with equal achievements in arts drama and theatre these fields developed through our education will enhance our vibrant communities.

All other streams of activity choice will be explored, developed and enhanced to give every New Zealander the greatest opportunity to excel in any chosen feld without doctrine, vested interest and malevolence.

The Ecologist Party will enhance the existing Enviro-Schools (33) programme with Eco-Schools, an international program of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) (34) that aims to empower students to be the change our sustainable world needs by engaging them in fun, action- oriented and socially responsible learning with open and supported creativity. The basis of the programme will be further enhanced in the NZ context with an emphasis in the outdoor world we cherish. Coupled to this will be the international programme of “Children in Permaculture” CHIPS, which connects all to our bases in ecological agricultural communities. (35)

The International Eco-Schools Program takes a holistic, participatory approach to learning for sustainability. The aim of the program is to engage students through classroom study, school and community action to raise awareness of sustainable development issues. It encourages students and teachers to conduct research on the amount of waste, energy or water use at their school and work towards making it a more sustainable environment. Eco-Schools provide an integrated system for the environmental management of schools and involves all stakeholders in this process. This applies at all levels primary, secondary and tertiary.

Permaculture is an interdisciplinary design system for creating efficient and resilient systems. It has an ethical basis and can be applied universally. It has been used in contexts as diverse as agriculture, forestry/woodland management, horticulture, architecture, landscape architecture, organisational design, community development, education and the home, energy and technology as well as all layers of social science. Permaculture also realises for us the far reaching wealth of traditional and indigenous lore. Such is a field that needs considerable enrichment for this nation to regain its connection to a real world, centered in community umbilically connected to nature.

The whole schools approach embedded in Eco-Schools emphasizes the importance of an ongoing focus on the issues linked to environmental, climate and sustainability issues. The coalescing of these three programmes will form the basis to a new vision for education in NZ offering greater opportunity for our rich environment.

While fully supporting Home Schooling and all forms of diverse learning tools greater emphasis will be placed on the wealth and health of the school environment as a hub of every community. It will be a place of vibrancy and security for all to thrive. Creativity in all learning will be a fulcrum along with community security and diversity. The support for more diverse streams of education will increase dramatically eg Steiner, Montessori and Outdoor Education.

Outdoor Education is our major key as a nation that we have evolved as a culture. There is a rich diversity of choice through this varied dynamic curriculum. All schools from the Bush Kindy to primary, secondary and tertiary will expand all domains in this arena. All such activities will connect with the global networks to expand education into our wider universe with an emphasis on the indigenous worlds.

Education presently exists as a business rather than a right. International students will be attracted to what we offer across all fields of our ecological economy, society, environment and culture. EP will develop a far wider and diverse curriculum in agriculture as a core subject through all schools with a focus in ecological agriculture and centering support in our organic industry while bringing Permaculture and Biodynamics education to the fore and reinforcing the intrinsic values of lore from all indigenous cultures globally. Supporting this will be a core in Ecological Education akin to what is evolving through the Applied Ecology Institute.

All education will be free to NZ citizens. All student debt will be wiped. Education for all communities is a global right of freedom of choice and must be supported to all levels in all layers across every subject. The strength and vitality of our education determines the health of our nation, on-going.


Energy exists in many forms from fueling our vehicles and machines to running our households' offices and industry. There is no doubt that the global cabal of the corporate tyranny has dictated our existence in this critical resource. Many an inventor for a long-while has evolved and created technologies and awareness of systems that are considerably more efficient than what we have available today. Those technologies have been stolen.

The Ecologist Party will develop widescale research and re-birth into every possible corner of this science. Research and development at every level will bring forward and mainstream options for a cleaner more efficient energy reality. From biofuels to hydrogen from Tesla to Schaubeger, from water to electromagnetics and radionics. Ecologically this is imperative. Universities will establish new faculties to evolve all to their desired ends connected to all like entities globally eg CAT in Wales. (36)

Small scale energy systems could exist in every building thus eliminating the need for any centralised plants and extensive networking. With the knowledge we have today we know that Photo Votaic mixed with wind can easily accommodate all of our power needs. Imagine every building in NZ with arrays of PVs installed into the building to provide all their own energy coupled appropriately to wind we would have community-based power cooperatives.

The Ecologist Party will develop widescale research into every fuel source available to us with specifc interest in our oil and gas that is within our boundaries out beyond our economic zone of 500km off shore. This reinvented state-owned asset will become a cooperative common.

Hydroelectric power stations could be dismantled reverting rivers to sound ecology realms. Power networks dismantled recycling all the valuable elements and eliminating the electrical pollution they emit.


We have inherited an alien ecology from europe and imposed it over this land with severe and detrimental effect. We must recognise actions to rebuild the richness of that indigenous ecology developing a culture richer than what we have exercised for the past 200 years. We will never return to that pristine richness while maintaining our high level of abuse of our landscapes through industrialised agriculture. Permaculture coined from Permanent Agriculture and Permanent Culture teaches us this. It is our pathway forward towards that richness.

In his seminal book "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed," Jared Diamond's term, Collapse Dance says societies' fates are tied to the treatment of the environment. It is said that those who do not learn from the past are doomed to re-elect, or, repeat it. Jared Diamond digs deep into this truism, reviewing the history of societies ranging from Easter Islanders to the Inuit of Greenland to present-day Montana. His conclusion? It's best not to doo-doo where you eat -- or deforest, or deplete fisheries, or generally make a mess. But we knew that, didn't we? Right? People?

Our education curriculums will evolve and enhance every aspect of all our environments not only academically but primarily through tactile real experiences. Such will be no more evident than in our management of pests or plagues of our environment. Such elements that continue to erode our natural capital will be highlighted. e.g. possum control. Every school in NZ will have within its curriculum “Outdoor Education” with one focus within being pest management specifically in possums. From this an industry will develop. Trapping will evolve pelts for fur and leather, two sought after products already well proven. Commerce and marketing, management and wide scale environmental awareness will be obvious learnings. The outcomes being exponential awareness in our environment and every environment ecologically.

Permaculture education teaches us many of these dimensions also. Such has progressed beyond reductionist thinking. Beyond the thinking that believes there is one simple, popular, plausible solution to every problem - Leave that to politicians and advertising. Such that in this we recognise trees ALONE, by themselves, are NOT the solution. Nor are plants (herbs or forbs or shrubs or grasses or vines, etc.) or animals (wildlife or livestock or birds or insects or microbes or amphibians or invertebrates, etc.) or soil or minerals/nutrients or water or sun or gravity or, or, or - it is ALL of these (plus many, many unknown, unnamed organisms and functions) that we must manage for - Complexity. Nothing is isolation. It is Reductionist Management that is usually the problem - not the resource, commodity, living thing, organism, etc.

We will be aware that the biological ecosystem (the complex, physiological dynamic that it is) ONLY functions as a whole and to regenerate that ecosystem, we must manage holistically for regeneration outcomes. Managing holistically includes making sound decisions for the social, cultural, political, spiritual, economic aspects of our lives, ecologically.

We will evolve in-depth audits of our entire environmental activities developing action plans to abate any adverse activities and build positive and creative solutions to enhance every aspect of our environment from waste by the Circular Economy to energy, fuel, transport, electricity, electro-magnetism and all possible conceivable impacts.

We know that trees are the life blood of this planet they are its lungs its kidney, liver and heart. Trees create soil, oxygen, clean our air and manage our entire hydrology while being integral elements in all biodiversity. In 200 yrs NZ has lost 79% of our tree cover, primarily to support an inherited alien ecology to our detriment. We must reverse this while recognising the productive potentials in doing so.

Combined with a far greater diversity in pasture species our pastoral farms could easily manage a 60% cover in trees and shrubs when designed very specifically for each and every catchment. Our grazing animals are in fact browsers that need trees and shrubs for browse offering them all the mineral, medicine and a large percentage of their nutrition. Add to this shelter from wind, rain and sun, timber production of an incredible variety of species and character. Biomass through hummus, fuel, pollinators, fungi, invertebrates and crustacea, food, forestry and above all the aesthetic and psychological riches and a diversity of possible business ventures with.


The natural ecology of NZ was one of Forest and Birds. We have inherited a European colonial regime that has been alien to our natural world. This has seen considerable detrimental effect. With widespread losses. We must address this to be able to move forward in creating a vibrant healthy ecosystem building thriving communities.

Our forests have disappeared into foreign ownership and control we will take them back in partnership with hapu and local community.

Our forests have wide ranging integrative effects on all our environments. The effects to our faming communities is foremost. Setting criteria to control clearing of land and sediment, debris run off by setting a National Environmental Standard within a National Policy Statement will be part of catchment management policy.

This will entail every person involved in a forestry activity, including land owner; forestry operator to be responsible for the environmental impact caused by that activity and hold enough indemnity insurance to cover environmental restoration from damage caused by that activity. We will put policy in place to restrict high quality food producing land including farm land and native bush being converted into commercial single species exotic forestry blocks.

Policy will be put in place that will enforce 70% of felled logs in New Zealand to be processed in NZ offering value added product(e.g. Timber) by way of secondary and tertiary industries . These policies will restrict and reduce foreign ownership of our forestry industry and open up land locked forestry areas for recreation (while there is no logging activity on that land).


is a critical pathway in how our culture and society functions from day to day from year to year, decade to decade, century to century and beyond. Through building strong localisation networks and webs backed by a strong culture in our agricultural ecology we will enhance and develop a willingness to be involved in all layers of governance. Through the past 700 yrs we have seen an accelerating agenda to eliminate us all from all layers of governance. Such has created an abhorrent environment that we detest. We have consequently shunned it to our peril allowing a fascist tyranny to dictate and control our lives. We will turn this around through active localisation binding citizen initiated referendums and far wider interconnected networks of true democracy emulating the roots of the whole subject founded in Attica.


All countries are governed by those who stand up and offer their energy to work in the duty to serve their fellow people, assisting them all to administer their daily, annual and long term affairs to their best abilities ensuring rights and privileges, security and well being on all layers to all levels in every field right across the board. Such governance within the realm of Social Ecology is through the exercise of democracy, governing for the people by the people by consensus at all layers from family to neighbourhood to community, hamlet, village, town, city, district, region and nationally ensuring the wellbeing of every individual and group to all scales and all capacities without prejudice.


(37) Literally, rule by the people. The term is derived from the Greek dēmokratia, which was coined from dēmos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”)

CONSENSUSis the full agreement of all making a decision. Such allows and invites healthy well researched debate ensuring every angle of any subject is thoroughly understood so all decision makers have the best understanding of the entire topic. It is he most efficient, successful, harmonious, respectful and democratic decision making process.

New Zealand is part of the Australian constitution. There is much conjecture, derision, distortion and confusion as to the structuring of New Zealand through the later half of the 19thC. The 1880-1890 period. New Zealand has evolved as an English colony through invasion.

We are all invaders of this land. The Maori before the English and who before that ? Our land has seen many visitors throughout time, there is clear evidence of that. The four part documentary series from Plumm Tree Productions which includes 1.NZ Skeletons in the Cupboard. 2. The Redheads. 3. Under the Carpet. 4. Cousins Across the Sea, alludes to such threads. (38)

Many researchers have shown us evidence. Our challenge is to build a new society with who we are. We are all kiwi of mixed backgrounds but we all cherish our place in this landscape, this environment. It is our challenge to move forward together in harmony. We will build on this from cultures passed such as Brehon law. (39)

The Ecologist Party will abolish all such structures and build a new entity that is just and serves all who live in NZ with a constitution that recogises first and foremost all worlds of our ecological dominion, socially, economically, environmentally and culturally. We will close the gate on immigration and expel all who have arrived here with other agendas foreign to our sovereignty, stability and wellbeing that we have chosen, not such that has been imposed. SECURITY is a common thread for all at all layers from the individual to family, neighbourhood, community, village, town etc. etc.


Civilisations have risen and fallen on their agricultures, both land and water. Raping and contaminating our health source challenges our survival. The food chain is our life blood. Health sciences are inextricably linked to the biodiversity of food which is our medicine. Nature teaches this. Lets learn from her. An ecologically sustainable agriculture corrects the climate imbalances, reduces income inequality and helps build up the stability offered through biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods while offering the wholistic vitality to maintain perfect health through longevity. (40) We are what we eat. Let food be thine medicine and medicine thine food.

Increasingly, people around the country and the world are realizing that the series of intersecting crises we face are not by chance, but by design. From staggering wealth inequality, to the looming threat of climate change and irreversible damage to our ecosystem, to surging xenophobia, racism, authoritarianism and corporate tyranny, coupled to rapidly rising and unprecedented epidemic of chronic disease and wide varieties of illness including obesity along with exposure to a multiple array of toxins, all designed.

These crises are generated by an economy structured to concentrate ownership and power. Many of the solutions being put forward focus on merely regulating or reforming the existing institutions and corporates that make up this extractive economy. All obvious and very evident in the medical industry, which has nothing to do with health. The time has passed for simply tinkering at the edges of this system. Instead, we need to develop the architecture of a more democratic and just economy, and we need to do it fast. The strength vitality and resilience of a nation is evident in its health. Socially, Morally, Spiritually, Environmentally, Culturally, Economically, Physically, Mentally, Academically through our community.

The Ecologist Party based in Tikanga (41) centred in Ecology recognises that NZs health and vitality is supported by agriculture, agricology.

With 75% of NZs income generated off the land and its waters it is imperative to enrich this reality. This can only be done through an agriculture and aquaculture that grows resources as opposed to the conventional regimes, dictated previously, of resource depletion and contamination growing corporate abusive greed.

All land use will be interconnected from a base firmly set in Tikanga centered through the Productive Ecologies of community. To grow such agriculture it is imperative to also build strong communities through all land use domains from the rural village to the global markets and every linkage in between. EP policy recognises all systems are interconnected ecologically. NZ's agriculture evolves its society, develops and enriches its economy which in turn allows richness in all layers of community, health and vitality in everything we aspire to.

Agricology as it is termed elsewhere (42) is well established with schools, principles and models showing its benefts that far out perform chemical agriculture norms. (43) Ecological Agriculture relies on building up natures bounty without use of chemicals, pharmaceuticals or fertilisers that do not come directly from nature e.g. seaweed, mulch and manures. The schools of Permaculture lead for us in principle all applications necessary for far greater bounty and reward which permeates all society, economically, socially, environmentally and culturally.

Food is our health and wisdom. With clean highly nutritious food rich in mineral we will also reduce considerably our reliance on the medical industry, which in itself has little to do with health. The world's markets are demanding such food. Wide ranging costs across society will also disappear.

Our challenges in the wide dynamic of health going forward are centered around how we as a nation have been taken over by a global corporate tyranny or mafia, poisoning every facet of our wellbeing, environmentally, culturally, socially and economically. Central to this is our vitality which stems from our health. Nutrition comes in many forms and domains, food is the cornerstone which is supported by our environment, our education our cultural essence and societal structures. It is wholistic in nature with deep interconnectedness to lore and indigenous values.

EP will continue research and development in all health sciences while reinforcing the social morals required to stay centered in our own unique bio-ecological domain to not be poisoned or contaminated by artificial elements. If we are part of nature this recognition must be reinforced. Such bounty and richness is immeasurable.

Health is recognised in many different forms, our physical wellbeing is connected to our mental, spiritual, cultural, economic, environmental, community, academic and moral worlds.

New Zealand will shift its focus to respect a far wider intellectual and experienced base for general health care. This is supported by a recent government summit. (44)

We are what we eat. Our schools, our parks, gardens and roadsides will become edible playgrounds. We will develop global linkages to all facilities excelling in this realm. Eg Rodale Institute, Cornicopia Institute, Ayurved College Sion, Organic Research Centre, Permaculture International College.

A dramatic change in every facet of the wide domain of health is needed. EP will drive this. We are no longer lab rats for the global corporates poisoning us.

DRUGS. Present laws will change on recognised prohibited narcotics and similar substances. All will be decriminalised. Cannabis will be legalised with a research and development into all its potential uses. We will learn from other countries like Holland and Portugal on their experiences processes and procedures and build safer communities through support systems. (45)


The basics of life is food and shelter. Today, 2021, we have advanced technologies to realise all housing in NZ can be of a high level of comfort and health. Sadly this is not the case. We have evolved from a pioneer culture seeing a construction industry of cheap, centered in short term negative economics as opposed to valuable long term resilient sustainable security coupled to vibrant thriving communities.

NZ must transition to efficient low energy healthy housing for everyone connected to their community..

Every citizen of this country should have access to a roof over their heads that meets the current building codes at least.

We would make land available for subdivisions and look for areas that could be converted into new urban developments of best practice urban design evolving vibrant neighbourhoods. While retrofitting much that already exists.

Planning instruments must change to allow efficient process. We would sequence the development process into ◦ find the potential land for development ◦ Connecting services ◦ Subdividing the sections ◦ Contract construction companies to build housing ◦ Use a mixture of public and private housing models.

A thorough apprenticeship scheme across all trades and associated practice will be reintroduced and extended to take in research & development including building sciences.

All enterprise that was corporartised will be bought back in as public private cooperatives. Eg BRANZ (46) while supporting like entities eg NZ Green Building Council. (47)

Government retaining the ownership of some residential estates, leasing the sections to the new owner, which would enable the owner to purchase the dwelling at an affordable price.

Public Housing could be partially bought or fully bought by a tenant at market value. This could be subsidized through their rental agreement payments.

Cluster buildings would be provided with a green space for a communal edible landscapes incorporated into their design. This essence of Biotecture and Ecology Architecture will increase the vitality of not only the individual house but its neighbourhood and community.

All newly developed housing would be subdivided into lots that enabled backyards and front yards with edible landscape incorporated into the development from Permaculture principles.

Lot design will be configured to allow considerable integration. Eg Village Homes (48) and Cornwall Manor. (48b)

Investing in new technology like solar panels, wind generators and storage systems that could be fed back into the grid and lessen electricity bills will be incorporated into all new designs.

Retrofitting all existing buildings likewise will increase this

efficiency and value while decreasing the national energy demands.

Passive and active solar design of all new buildings and the retrofitting of existing will emerge to become the norm.

We intend to maximise the efficiency of building new houses by investing in modularisation and efficiency of building techniques, technologies and materials and sourcing and processing the timber from our own government owned mills.

New Technologies would look at any building materials to meet house design criteria that are efficient and increase the passive values of any development., but with a developed focus in natural materials. Eg Earth Integrated Architecture.

Housing of all forms is a fully functioning element of a neighbourhood and community. All planning will focus on the vibrancy of the neighbourhood to create spaces that extend the values of healthy thriving community for all to be rich, enriched growing richness and being richer from the environment of the village or hamlet. EP policies cross pollinate. Housing is part of health and well- being, Education, Science & Technology, Research &Development, Urban Design, Planning and Construction, Forestry and Economics.

Housing is directly connected to vibrant and thriving communities. This is critical for our future, our country.

The ecologies of New Zealand will be a lot healthier if we follow these simple building polices which have been outlined above. Producing better quality of housing for all New Zealanders. This includes the paramount Social Ecology.


We are presently living in a false economy coupled to a false law which has evolved from its conception Circa 14th C. It is a corporate elite based autocracy focused on resource depletion, abuse of the natural realm and wealth creation coupled to control and slavery. It is out-of-sync with nature, imbedded in an obsession of complete domination, power and control by an elite. Every person on the planet is dictated in every move they make by this 700 year old economic/legal stranglehold. This has evolved into a fascist tyranny, manipulated by a cabal, It has been well designed and absorbed to a point where all authorities and institutions including all education lives within its guise while using the corporate machine as its guise, puppet and pawn.

A major shift is needed. For species man to survive we need to rediscover Common Law overlayed by Indigenous Law with is rooted firmly in The Laws of Nature. (49)

A Party based in Tikanga (50) centred in Ecology recognises that NZs legal systems must be honest and support our people and natural realm.

Presently, 2021, we have legal systems that are not common to all. We have different systems for different people. This has been designed in order to control manipulate and enslave the very large percentage of society. EP will abolish the present statutory legal system coupled with all its links and build a new structure firmly based in Common Law expressing the principles of Indigenous Law which will be rooted in The Laws of Nature. (51)

Statutory Law: noun. the written law established by enactments expressing the will of the legislature, as distinguished from the unwritten law or common law or more correctly The Laws of Nature.

The legislature is put in place by the corporates in order to allow them to function at their will.

Common Law is common to all people which we will evolve from the roots of The Law of Nature. Indigenous Law is centered in true but historical references to unique societies and their relationships to a just world in harmony with nature.

There are many law labels which have been intentionally designed and developed in order to confuse. Present colonial society concentrates on this layer of confusion by consistently amending their laws. If we are kept in the dark we are so easily manipulated.

Recent developing energies from individuals and groups focused on opening this well designed can of worms have allowed more clarification and the building of a template we can use to evolve a structure of law for New Zealand. One such comes from an Australian Original Tyson Yunkaporta, author of Sand Talk. (52) (53) (54)

The elected government of NZ has been hijacked. In June 1986 it was corporatised registered in New York. From that day NZ does not have legitimate government elected by the people for the people. A true democracy no longer exists. In fact globally such hasn't existed for a long time, 2060 years to be precise. All activity imposed as false acts of that corporate since that date will be repealed for it has no lawful standing. Every aspect of every facet of our legal system is in chaos today 2021. Police amongst all ignore their oath on taking up their role. The Ecologist Party will reincarnate the original values of policing throughout every community. All police will be need to recite their oath and have it printed pasted on their wall and have a copy of it on their person at all times. Police will return to being servants of and for the community 24/7. Daily beats in all towns and cities will become the norm. All police stations will be open door 24/7. All levels of management will be severely enforced and respected ensuring the utmost discipline.


The traditional idea of a leader is that of a person who is able to hold a vision, articulate it and communicate it clearly, and lead people in the direction of realizing the vision. In past times, such leaders were often religious leaders; today the term is applied mostly to political and corporate leaders. However, by refusing to adopt policies that would solve our global problems most of our leaders are leading the world toward global catastrophe. In this critical situation, we urgently need leaders with three main competencies and qualities. They need to be systemic thinkers, capable of thinking in terms of relationships, patterns, and context; and thus to recognize the systemic nature of our global problems, as well as corresponding systemic solutions.

They need to be ecologically literate, understanding the principles of organization the Earth’s ecosystems have evolved to sustain the web of life and recognizing the value of corresponding Ecodesign technologies and projects.

They need a “moral compass.” Such a moral compass is laid out in detail in the Earth Charter, a declaration of ethical principles and values for creating a just, sustainable, and peaceful world. (55) Leaders guided by the moral compass of the Earth Charter should be called “Earth leaders,” rather than world leaders, because their vision is the well-being of humanity and of the larger community of life on Earth, rather than political, economic, or corporate success.

We are all leaders. Our focus is in developing leadership rather than leaders. We do not need any Pied Pipers leading us to Hamlin nor do we need Santa Claus to endow or ingratiate us. We need to evolve beyond being sheeple. It is an educational challenge to build this trait in all. Building a strong arts, theatre and sport curricula through all schools will aid such considerably.


The wealth abundance and security in our oceans is nowhere near recognised. It will never be exploited but recognised in how we can enhance it for its own health and stability whereby offering its resource capacities to share with us as a nation specifically without any foreign interest.

The Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf starts 12 nautical miles out from New Zealand's coast. ... The Territorial Sea is 0 to 12 nautical miles offshore. The Exclusive Economic Zone is presently 12 to 200 nautical miles offshore. The Ecologist Party will move this EEZ to 500 nautical miles, or 1,000km.

Extensive coastal reserves through a wide range of maritime zones will be created and existing marine parks extended. It is well known that such reserves build immense fish stocks while increasing the biodiversity through these ecologies. Such increases the bounty for fish catch without detriment to the security and sustainability within.

Existing education at all levels will be diversified and intensified to consider every possible element of this wide and deep ecology with a focus on farming while not taking anything away but building up the natural resilience and vitality.

Our dairy communities are an integral part of thriving rural life in New Zealand. In the year to March 2020, New Zealand exported NZ B$19.7 of dairy products, which supported NZ B$10.2 of direct value add to the New Zealand economy. The opportunity to grow and develop such value through our oceans could easily surpass the dairy industry.

All our offshore islands will see connected reserves. All our direct pacific neighbours will be invited to work with similar policies. Such will create a South Pacific Oceans Accord for the enrichment of that great diverse marine ecology.

The resource wealth existing in these waters has not to date been fully measured. This will be ongoing without exploitation but wise and careful sustainable management will be the norm. Our EEZ has considerable mining opportunities not only in petrochemical but other critical minerals. Such development will recognise a considerable economic security for NZ through a large area of our energy requirement. All will become fully within our Cooperative Commons taken out of the global corporate tyranny controls.


Civilisations have risen and fallen on their agriculture. Our present corporatisation model coupled to globalism has become a septic ulcer to every community and most of all rural communities breeding greed, avarice, distrust and disfunction. It does not work and is a failure to be buried into history.

The Ecologist Party based in Tikanga centered in Ecology recognises that NZs economy is supported by agriculture. (57)

Social Ecology The Self, the Family, the Neighbourhood the Community. Connecting supporting and invigorating what we as a species connects to umbilically, predominantly through:
the idea that people should have control over what happens in their local area, that local businesses should be supported, and that differences between places should be respected:
the process of organizing a business or industry so that its main activities happen in local areas rather than nationally or internationally: (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65)

With 75% of NZs income generated off the land waters and oceans it is imperative to enrich this reality. Party and integral to this is thriving communities. Social Ecology is multigenerational, multi-cultural of no boundaries with active links across every domain in our community, sharing and nurturing all our diversity.

EP recognises a strong and resilient economy based in Ecological Agriculture coupled to our natural realm will support rich localised communities with abundance and diversity, health and security.

NZ had a history of being the richest middle class society in the world without class structures and racial division. We have evolved since to a classist, corporate, segregated community abusive to much of the natural world. Our social health, fabric and vitality is decaying rapidly as a result. We have fallen well behind in the global levels. This is obviously not healthy leading us into an entropy which must be reversed.

For a multi-cultural society to evolve as umbilical partners to our natural heritage NZ needs to reinvent our connections to our natural domain, socially and ecologically. Our education institutions and options which are non-classist will begin this journey recognising our history and envisioning our future.

EP recognises strong resilient and stable societies are founded in active neighbourhoods and communities. With the focus in evolving our agriculture of communities we will build all other enterprise in the same manner. This will enrich our community having positive effect into our towns districts cities and regions. Such will be further enhanced as Bioregions (66)

We are a diverse community all unique in every way. To recognise this unique character we must offer the obvious support to enrich this diversity and lift us as a nation back into a resilient middle class with no beggars on the street, no one going without, but standing high and proud in Whakamana.. We must build a society that cares, supports and nourishes its entire community.

Permaculture again offers a tablet through its own evolution into Social Permaculture. Many examples and models have been evolving for us to use as templates. e.g. Exploring how communities function and become vibrant, resilient and sustainable is our journey. To build these models is our challenge.

EP recognises this challenge which is directly connected to every layer in society. The models exist, we will bring them to the fore and build on them.

We are all part of this country, from multi-cultural histories. We are not separate. We are kiwi. We will emerge as one, not apart, but together.

We will close the gate on immigration and evolve our own independent nation, our own cultural identity and uniqueness.

What truly motivates a person? well, money of course. Money helps to pay for our food, shelter, some entertainment and allows us to (sometimes) further our education.” But it is purpose that truly motivates us. It is not that money itself is motivating for us, but it is the security money can provide us by allowing to our basic needs like food, shelter and clothing to be met. Supporting a spirit of purpose through our collective principles to policy will allow a greater sense of purpose for all.

Government has served it’s purpose. It has allowed us to build an infrastructure on this planet where we can travel pretty much wherever we would like. It has also built schools, hospitals and allowed for the creation of all sorts of public services as well as public entertainment. However, what is important to remember is that it wasn’t governments who build these things. It was people. People made the choice each and every morning to wake up and go to their job to help create their projects. It is a sense of purpose that truly motivates us. Human beings have an innate desire to help serve a greater cause. An additional incentive for doing their work was that we know on a deeper level that this was in some way, big or small, helping our civilization to develop and grow in a positive direction. Many people today do not like their jobs or the work they do. However, people realize that the money that is paid to them allows them to pay for a place to live and for food to eat, which in turn allows them to live. In a very real way, many people are working a job they couldn’t care less about, just in order to stay alive.

Technology today could easily provide abundance in all forms for every person on this planet, it is counter-productive to use our time doing things we do not enjoy doing. We can cleanly power the entire world, which will allow us to grow the food and resources needed to feed, house and clothe everyone. This in turn will allow the basic needs of everyone to be met. From there, we will stop doing the work we’ve been doing to earn the “money.” The insanity will stop and the spirit of life will be sparked once again throughout our world.

We will start doing things that we are passionate about. We will move away from the need of a government and move into finding what is of purpose for us. We can move from competition to cooperation. We can begin to heal ourselves, our family and friends. We can begin to heal our pets, the animals, the water and the fora and fauna of the Earth. We can create a truly peaceful paradise. For over 700 years all forms of governance communism capitalism, feudalism, and fascism included have been enslaved via the monetary system.

Powering, feeding, clothing and housing the entire world has nothing to do with politics. It does, however, have everything to do with the human spirit and the deservability that each person has naturally.

Beyond a sense of purpose the key meme in our spirit of being is community. In just over 80 years our community has been decimated. We have destroyed the family unit, we lock our parents in institutions called retirement villages and send our youngest off to kindergarten. The strong healthy family unit of at least three generations if not five is the keystone to a stable social order. Indigenous cultures taught us this, but we have decimated them too. Social Ecology teaches us exactly the same.

Spiritual Ecology is a response to the values and socio-political structures of recent centuries with their trajectory away from intimacy with the earth and its sacred essence. It has been forming and developing as an intellectual and practice-oriented discipline for nearly a century. Spiritual Ecology includes a vast array of people and practices that intertwine spiritual and environmental experience and understanding. Additionally, within the tradition itself resides a deep, developing spiritual vision of a collective human/earth/divine evolution that is expanding consciousness beyond the dualities of human/earth, heaven/earth, mind/body. This belongs to the contemporary movement that recognizes the unity and interrelationship, or “interbeing,” of all of creation.”

“The environmental conservation field has been informed, shaped, and led by individuals who have had profound experiences of nature’s sacredness and have fought to protect it. Recognizing the intimacy of human soul and nature, many have pioneered a new way of thinking about and relating to the earth. Today many aspects of the environmental conservation movement are empowered by spiritual principles and interdisciplinary cooperation. Similarly through the Organic farming fraternity.


is a response to the values and socio-political structures of recent centuries with their trajectory away from intimacy with the earth and its sacred essence. It has been forming and developing as an intellectual and practice-oriented discipline for nearly a century. Spiritual Ecology includes a vast array of people and practices that intertwine spiritual and environmental experience and understanding. Additionally, within the tradition itself resides a deep, developing spiritual vision of a collective human/earth/divine evolution that is expanding consciousness beyond the dualities of human/earth, heaven/earth, mind/body. This belongs to the contemporary movement that recognizes the unity and interrelationship, or “interbeing,” of all of creation.”

“The environmental conservation field has been informed, shaped, and led by individuals who have had profound experiences of nature’s sacredness and have fought to protect it. Recognizing the intimacy of human soul and nature, many have pioneered a new way of thinking about and relating to the earth. Today many aspects of the environmental conservation movement are empowered by spiritual principles and interdisciplinary cooperation. Similarly through the Organic farming fraternity.

ECOLITERACY. The basic principles of ecology are the principles of organization that nature’s ecosystems have evolved to sustain the web of life. We need to teach our children, our students, and our political and corporate leaders these fundamental facts of life - for example, that one species’ waste is another species’ food; that matter cycles continually through the web of life; that the energy driving the ecological cycles flows from the sun; that diversity assures resilience; that life, from its beginning more than three billion years ago, did not take over the planet by combat but by partnerships and networking. All these principles of ecology are closely interrelated. They are just different aspects of a single fundamental pattern of organization that has enabled nature to sustain life for billions of years. In a nutshell: nature sustains life by creating and nurturing communities. Sustainability is not an individual property but a property of an entire web of relationships. It always involves a whole community. This is the profound lesson we need to learn from nature. The way to sustain life is to build and nurture communities.


Our culture has evolved with a very active participation in many physical pursuits as our pleasure and pastime. Such has grown our sporting culture to be a global leader. The value of this is immeasurable crossing many boundaries building the richness of all communities, locally, regionally, nationally, globally. Our sporting prowess extends into many avenues of industry and business that has become a major catalyst in our strong economy. All layers of sport will be extended through all of our education Reinforcing its value as the glue of communities and connecting people. Secondary schools will develop sporting academies.


Our entire physical landscape environment will be mapped and managed through catchments recognising each having its own unique characteristics and demands.

The environment of New Zealand which extends out to our 1000km offshore edges is an integrated ecological richness which will be our center of our tourism. Our indigenous wealth in our fora and fauna has been extended through the introduction of many species globally. This richness will be celebrated and extended. Our farms expansive tree planting schemes that acknowledge all pastoral farms will become richer by a 60% tree cover that enriches our landscape aesthetic and biodiversity. All our roads and streets rurally and urban will become tree lined boulevards. All roadside reserves will become picnic bays for freedom camping with toilets and outdoor kitchens. All our coastal, river and lake edges will be utilised similarly.


The design of our communities, environmentally, socially, culturally, economically is based frmly in the physical tactile built environment. Our sense of well being health and vitality is a direct refection in and from our physical environment. Our neighbourhood design reflects the vibrancy and life force or wairua of our community. Connecting people to people is the first and key principle in all urban design, people to people and people to their landscape and nature. The Ecological Realm.

Schools of architecture and landscape architecture will merge to become schools of Ecology Architecture. All design disciplines of the built environment will be firmly seated in the ecological realm. Edible landscapes will become the norm.




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